Saturday, February 19, 2011

I solemnly swear..

to now and for (as long as I can)
to eat dark chocolate instead of milk chocolate.
I have finally made the switch.

mmmm the city (taken yesterday morning)

After a hard day at work
I went to hang out with my best bud Jarom.
We ventured in Sugar House and did many fun things INCLUDING
Barnes and Noble occumpanied by hot coco. 
One of my favorite things.
While there on a comfy sofa I made these:

and put them in books and magazines that I liked.
SO if you found one of these
and you are looking at this, that is awesome.
You were looking at something I think is great.

Tonight we ventured to the Slug Magazine party. (Rachel interns there)

and to Elyse's party. There were many-a-cute-boy(s).

 *My getup for the evening. 

(gray, black, black, black)

(*some of these are out of focus, pixilated, etc.
I'm still an amateur. an attempter. practicing for the big day?
maybe I always will be but I really like people so I try and capture moments that I enjoy.)

*my dear friend Tony

 *and Austin!

*Elyse Winn

*cinderella? we need to find this mysterious boy another shoe.

R.I.P.*Krisopher Orr was here. Kevin Richards, Karli Miller, and Spencer Miller came down from Rexburg for the weekend and were also in attendance. So awesome to see all of them.

P.S. my dad is doing better and was able to leave the hospital this evening. 
Thank you for everyone's concern.
The messages with reassurance and love were really comforting today.

Friday, February 18, 2011

"the night the 60s began"

I don't know if any of you caught the news 
but in a London auction on Wednesday 
Andy Warhol's self portrait sold for 10.8 million pounds 
(or about 17 million U.S. dollars).

It was a recently discovered piece from 1967... I don't know how you could rediscover something like this especially since it was 6 foot square. But it was rediscovered and it was sold. and I wish that I was the owner. "The painting is one of 11 large-scale self-portraits executed at a time when Warhol had established himself as the most important figure in the Pop Art movement." - the daily telegraph

I don't think many people know this besides my family but in my early high school career I was obsessed with Andy Warhol (not necessarily his work but as a person, he was fascinating to me). I would go to the library and find books and documentaries and come home to watch them over and over again. 

It had a lot to do with how contradictory he himself was. A quiet, timid man with "no personality" who produced and produced and created really loud, stand out, revolutionary, controversial things. Historical in the sense that art was no longer art, or that art could be repeated or done yourself. so many mixed messages and so many people buying them and buying into them. 

I loved learning about his background and the way his mom took care of him for most of her life. His collection of wigs and his drive for mass production. He reminds me of many characters in history who make up who they are to the public and say so many contradictory things that no one knows what is right or left when really it is simple and you just need to look past the words and the visual. It just exclaims, "why care!" and if you care then you're foolish but if you don't you are missing out on the revolution.

(*the music in this section is kind of eerie but a decent documentation.)

What a genius of a man that still today he is an icon and a mystery being unfolded piece by piece (or so exposed that we are looking too deep to find a bigger picture... 
only Andy would know.)

News from my life:
My dad is in the hospital tonight. He went in this morning because of his heart and though he is really fit in every way they are worried that there may be a blood clot. genetics and such. If you have space in your prayers tonight that would mean the world to me.

On a lighter note, I cleaned my room:

 and after

I wish everyone a peaceful evening.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Wavves and Best Coast SLC

I went and saw Wavves and Best Coast last night at the urban lounge.
what an epic show.

If you don't know these bands,
this video kind of portrays Wavves, the band's personailty.

and... Best Coast.

*I took some F'otos

*this was the opening band No Joy

*Jarom and Rachel

*the lead singer of Wavves

and this is the point... where my camera died. 
I was a bit pissed.

*I took a couple more pictures of Wavves on my phone, 
they might be hard to see.

*here's Best Coast.

 Earlier in the evening I went out with my good friend Neela Kohli from back home whom I grew up with. She is a wonderful person. We went to Star of India, which has AMAZING Indian food. 

O wow. 
The end.  
It was that good. 

Neela grew up with a lot of the various foods on the menu and could tell me a bit more about what was authentic and what to get. She's such a dream. Next Friday she is going to teach me how to cook an Indian vegetarian dish 
and I am so excited. 

*while we were eating we watched a movie in the restaurant called 'Koi... Mil Gaya' upon Neela's request. 
She explained that it's kind of an Indian version of E.T.
 I thought it was wonderful. 

*This is a pretty big song in the film.
(mind you, the guy in this part is supposed to be really young because he has a hole in his brain from the aliens? possibly? we weren't sure, but at the beginning of the movie he is supposed to have the mental capacity of an 8 year old.)

p.s.  If you would like to be pen pals or just want a letter dont hesitate to send me your address.