Ever since my accident two years ago I have rejected my body.
Disowned it.
Laid it out to sea as a betrayer.
Destroyer of my passions and beauty in the world. (haha okay that was a bit extreme but...)
After my accident I could no longer dance,
I could no longer breathe, walk, sit, stand, essentially live without pain.
I couldn't straighten my legs fully while sitting on the floor
Or bend over and pick anything up
When I used to rest my head against my legs
and press my hands into the floor.
I had surgery 5 months ago
and now
There is deep pain but it's less severe and comes maybe every two days
Life flows better
There is silence in my life
Where once there were throbbing signals telling me there was something wrong
(When there was nothing I could do about it)
Deep silence,
The kind that makes you smile
because all you can think about is silence and the beauty and mystery within it.
I realized recently that this is MY body
For now at least, I own it and I take care of it
and how I treat it is how it will treat me
Skipping the long list of details, my quest is to have a proper relationship with my body
One out of love, respect, and consideration.
To put it first and for most on my list of priorities.