Wednesday, March 2, 2011

A tepee for A bedroom

Yesterday I did laundry 
I washed the fabrics (from D.I.) that I wanted to sew with 
and when I brought them home they were still a bit wet I decided to hang them up in my room. 
After hanging them it started to look so cool 
that I began to build a tent for my bed. 

*I did this while I was on the phone with my really awesome friend Olivia Dudding.

*here's a tiny peek, it was hard to get good pictures.
(you may just have to come over and hang out in it with me)



*here's an extra view (at night) from the side...

I like that I have space within space 
my bed feels like a large cave that I can snuggle up in.
SO now I have a 'bed-tent'
plus my room smells like fresh laundry 
BUT I don't have any sewing fabric...
Maybe I'll take it down one piece at a time to work with.

Food Corner
As promised, 
Neela had me over for some vegetarian Indian cooking.
She is so amazing and talented. 
I was very impressed.

*this is tomatoes with mushrooms, onions and possibly other yummy things

*mix it all together!

*as Neela was blending she was pushing down the ingredients with her hand, 
I'm glad she switched to a wooden spoon because moments later this occurred...

*Neela taught me, as many do, that it's all to taste. 
She added this and that after the basics were compiled.

*mmm spices



 *Kyle came over to join us

*the finished product!! So much food, so Very GOOD.

Here is some deliciousness I made yesterday:
whole wheat tortilla, pesto, peppers, onions, mushrooms, spinach, egg whites, sprouts, and pine nuts

I'm starting to learn 
that I love food! full of flavors and creativity. 
The idea of cooking and knowing certain things about it is becoming really exciting.
I hope that I can learn to venture and experiment on my own
but first I need to continue to practice the basics.

*p.s. thank you Danielle McLaughlin for sending me the vegetarian soup recipe! 
I'm going to grab the ingredients next time I'm at the grocery store, I'm so excited! 
*p.p.s. I may have a sinus infection and am going to see the doc friday. 
TMI? sorry. Sicknesses should not fester this long.

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